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Hello, I am trying to import JSON file into a new database, but I received this error "file:///D:/openLCA_win64_1.7.4_2018-11-05/openLCA/log.html"

I exported from an old model (openLCA 1.7.4 and ecoinvent 3.3) and now I want to import it into a new database. Why is not possible to import?

Many thanks

in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi Alicia,

of course we cannot read your harddisc ("D:...") but the JSON-LD format may change a bit from one version to the other. These format changes are not addressed in the JSON-LD import. So the import in your case is not possible since you import into 1.10 and export from 1.7. You should update the database where the data is now to version 1.10, then you can export JSON-LD and import this into a new database.

Hth, Andreas
by (120 points)
I installed the new version of openLCA, but my existing database (where are the processes I am interested) do not appear in the navigation panel, I copy the entire file and move in the new database folder of the new openLCA version, but still, it does not appear in the navigation panel. If I use the option import the entire database from an existing database, also the database which I am interested does not appear in the options.
There is a possibility to use the console to read the database in the navigation panel?