+1 vote


I have created a PEF-based data quality system and ran a data quality analysis for a project. However, I am not completely clear how the final results are calculated, e.g. I have not assigned poor quality to any flow in the modelled process, but many of the results appear to be of poor quality in the Time representativeness section. Can you help me understand this result? I am using the EuGeos database for ecoinvent v.3.6. 

Below are screenshots from the data quality system and an exemplary result:

Best regards,


in openLCA by (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (124k points)

Hi Yana,

how the data quality is aggregated in a calculation is specified in the calculation setup, on the second page:

There you can also select which data quality system is used, and also how data quality scores are aggregated over the life cycle. The EuGeos database does not by default support the PEF data quality system but comes from the ecoinvent "side" (as you know probably).

Best wishes,


by (270 points)
Thank you, Andreas!

Yes, I know this and I have set my preferences on the menu you have attached. Maybe my question was not very clear. What I meant was that in my case I have assessed the used datasets with "Good" or "Very good" and after the calculation, the assessment says "Poor/Very poor" to many of indicators, specifically on the Time representativeness. This just doesn't make sense since the specific datasets are valid until end of 2019.

If a custom data quality system is used, does the database source matter?

And, one last thing I forgot to ask, how do we add uncertainties?

Best regards,
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