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I just started using openLCA during my studies at university. I am going to perform an LCA for a product of an Open Source Hardware project (https://wikifactory.com/+kuestenbiene).

At the moment I have no access to professional databases (like ecoinvent) so the best choice for me atm is the Environmental Footprints. During the first tour in the programm I discovered, it is crashing when I use the database.


1) Create a flow (production, number of items)
2) Create a process for that flow
3) Open Inputs/Outputs
4) Click on + (to add input or output)

The program crashes.

I am using openLCA 1.10.3 64bit under Linux Mint 64bit.
A retest on the windows version did not show the error. Also for other databases it does not appear.

Any ideas / suggestions?

Already tried to run the program on wineHQ, but some package dependencies are not fullfilled and I am not yet familiar in finding out how to solve this. Any hints? Java verison, specific dlls needed...?

Thanks a lot in advance!


in openLCA by (120 points)
by (14.0k points)
do you get an error message? is there something written to the log-file? it would be helpful if you could share this. thanks.
by (120 points)
Thanks for your reply!
No error and nothing spectacular in the log: https://we.tl/t-RRViuBzIVp

Redownloaded the database and loaded it both into an (emulated) windows and the native Linux program.

1st attempt: Open EF database, open existing procedure, add Input.
2nd attempt: Open EF database, create new procedure, add Input

1 Answer

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by (131k points)

Hm, we are creating the Linux version with the same distribution and do not find these mistakes.

Is the database valid that you use? PEF is quite big and you could need harddisc space or have an incomplete download?

by (120 points)
Thanks again for the reply.
I redownloaded and reinstalled it. And the same version is working under an emulated windows on the same desktop.

Maybe it is an OS issue on the Lenovo Laptop. I have the feeling Linux Mint is not good at handling the RAM. I will test this.

If you have any other ideas or if someone else has this problem please respond!

Thanks and until then