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During my research, I've found information that the old version of openLCA supported ProSuite Decision Support System (DSS) as a plugin (source: https://www.openlca.org/files/openlca/Implementation_of_ProSuite_%20modules_%20V1.8_12182013.pdf). I understand that it is no maintained for the present time, but the original ProSuite website is dead. Any chance you still have an old plugin especially the SCENT tool from it?

Thanks in advance for any information.
in openLCA by (140 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
by (114k points)

Indeed, the website is not maintained any more, the domain name registration was discontinued by the project coordinator.

The SCENT tool is basically an excel sheet; I post a zipped version here, from 2010 Scent Cost Excel sheet.

by (140 points)
Dear  Andreas,

Thank you very much for your quick and productive response. Any clue is this version of the SCENT spreadsheet that was used in the PROSUTE plugin for openLCA?
by (114k points)
Yes this was used, but I am not certain whether this is the final version (because it is from 2010, and the final version of the plugin from 2013)
by (140 points)
Thank you for the answer, Andreas.

Will try to contact the authors or project coordinator.
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