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Hello everyone,

my colleagues and I are using openLCA from a shared folder (network).

With openLCA 1.10.2, everything worked fine, while setting the database directory via "-olcaDataDir" to the local path (network "O:\04_openLCA\Database").

After switching to version 1.10.3, this procedure does not work anymore. The .ini file is exactly the same. At startup, this error is printed "An error has occurred. See the log file ...\.log.". Said log file contains several error messages, such as "!MESSAGE An error occurred while automatically activating bundle olca-app (4).", "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component".

The latter seems to have to do with network vs. local workspace (which I used, see above).

Does anyone happen to know this error? Does it have to do with the java installation?

Thanks in advance for your help :)

in openLCA by (630 points)

1 Answer

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by (140 points)
I am dealing with the same question. have you already found an answer?
by (630 points)
Unfortunately not, partly because I did not have the time to deal with the problem lately^^.
by (630 points)
Today, I updated to openLCA 1.11.0, thereby dealing again with this problem.

For anyone still interested, I found the solution (to my very special problem, I guess).

The local path does not only have to be included in the openLCA.ini file, but also in the desktop shortcut. Here, I needed to set both the target paths in "Target" (O:\04_openLCA\openLCA_1.11.0\openLCA.exe) and "Execute in" (O:\04_openLCA\openLCA_1.11.0) to locally defined paths, i.e. depending on my "O:" network instead of "serverxy\...".