+1 vote

Hello everyone!

I am new in this topic and recently I watched the Webinar "Using Jupyter Notebooks witn openlca" which I find it very interesting.

According to that, I have a question regarding the providers. Are they included in the code? So far, I understand the exchanges part of the code, but I don't see the providers there. Additionally they are not included in the model graph of the product system when I create it. I searched a bit to the olca schema, found the ProcessLink class, but is quite difficult to implement it. Also, in which level has to be defined; in the exchange or process level?

I would appreciate any guidance, help.

Thank you in advance


in openLCA by (250 points)
by (5.3k points)
Are you trying to assign default providers for an exchange in a process or build a system in python (search all providers for an exchange and pick one)?
by (250 points)

Thank you for your comment.
I would prefer to have both, so far I see none in the results.

I tested a simple example [e.g. making tea- kettle/teapot/teacup] and added the electricity mix flow in the excel file- input flows with its unique UUID from the database, which carries some default providers, however the code crashed. I imagine I need to change the path of that flow to be read, and somehow get the providers of that flow...

In that simple example, I don't see in the product system - model graph the link between the exchanges. I created a product system called 'tea with milk' and there is no connection between the  three processes[ kettle/teapot/teacup].

In my understanding, I should be able to see the connection between the processes, since I defined which is an 'in' and which is an 'out' in the exchange level. However, I believe I need also the processLink class to be defined and it is not clear how....

Thank you for your time.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (1.0k points)
Hi there,

in the webinar, the default providers were not included.

However, you can set the default provider also via olca-ipc. The important thing here is to differentiate between flows and exchanges. Exchanges are the in- and outputs of processes. Flows are "part of" exchanges, and you can set the default provider of any exchange upon creation, for example:

exchange.default_provider = client.get(olca.Process, ##process.ref##)

Of course, you need to change ##process.ref##, e.g. to the UUID of the providing process.

You can read more, here: https://greendelta.github.io/olca-ipc.py/olca/schema.html#olca.schema.Exchange

Kind regards
by (250 points)

Thank you for the reply!
It is clear and I will check it later on.

Kind regards