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I calculated results for Cork Forestry from EcoInvent 3.3 Consequential Long-Term, using Recipe Endpoint-H, Normalization & Weighting World H/A (person/year).

Looking at the totals for Human Health or Resources or Ecosystems in the Contribution Tree shows negative values (which I interpret as positive impact) from `Market for Cleft Timber`. Further down in the tree, there are negative values for `Market for Diesel`, `Market for Power Sawing`, `Market for Skidder`, etc.

What does this mean? How can these processes contribute positive impact?

Looking at the Flow Contributions, it appears that the negative values / positive impacts come from many different flows (Including Carbon Dioxide & Nitrogen Oxide emission to air, Oil and Coal in Ground, transformation of land to tropical rainforest (?))... but I cannot easily understand how the processes that contribute to `Cork Forestry` produce these positive impacts.

Thanks in advance for any help or insight you can offer,
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