0 votes
At process level, I modelled 2 processes with various inputs and outputs, lets call them A and B. And in both processes, I modified the output flows using the same flows. Product system of A gives the impact results, but the product system of B does not calculate the impact results. The LCIs of outputs of A and B are identical, and their inputs are similar (I exported the excels of processes A and B). I also checked the model graph which looks fine. I tried troubleshooting, such as deleting and re-creating the product systems, close/open database, close/open OpenLCA.. etc.. yet not working.. why would that me. If needed I can share the LCI excel.  

Thank you,

in openLCA by (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (129k points)
Hi Basak, well from the information you share it is not really possible to provide an answer. If the inventory result is identical, then the LCIA result is also indentical, provided that the LCIA method is the same. it is just a multiplication.
by (180 points)
HI Andreas,

Thank you for your response. As you have pointed, I was expecting the results to be calculated as the inventories are identical for providers and flows (not the amounts). however, for some reason did not work, could not figure it out. To solve this, I copied the working one, and re-entered the amount values.
