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Dear all,

    Recently, I export the ecoinvent database from OpenLCA and want to use this database in Gabi. I export this database into ILCD format in OpenLCA, then import to Gabi. This method can import this database to gabi successfully, however, the names of imported elementary flows are not matched to those in Gabi, and the LCI method in Gabi could not identify the imported flows. I would like to ask how this problem can be solved.

in openLCA by (150 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
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Best answer
Hi, indeed GaBi flows are different from the ones we use in openLCA-ecoinvent; it is less about the name but about the UUID numbers. Also, of course, unit processes cannot really be used in GaBi sucecssfully as background data since GaBi does not have an autocomplete option. There are also some more limitations (GaBi, e.g., does not allow the same product multiple times in a process). Workaround: you can develop, and then apply a mapping file in the export (in openLCA 2), adjust / simplify some processes where needed, and focus on system processes. And also you should check license conditions, I believe GaBi is really strict.
by (150 points)
Thanks for your reply, so as a Gabi user, its difficult to import ecoinvent database to Gabi because of the discrepancy of the UUID numbers , hope the sphera could deal with this problem.