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I assessed the process electricity production, hydro, reservoir, alpine region | electricity, high voltage | APOS, U PE from ecoinvent 3.8 using OpenLCA 1.11 using AWARE and I have the following results.

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Considering the geographical location is Peru, shouldn´t it consider the average CF for Peru which is 27.787 instead 42.95 which is the global?


in openLCA by (180 points)
by (140 points)
I am having similar issues of not being able to get AWARE to run the regionalized locations, except trying to do specific states in the US.  I have updated my locations to have the state polygons, I just downloaded again the regionalized Ecoinvent database, but I am getting a 0 in the AWARE LCIA.

1 Answer

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by (2.6k points)
It seems you are using the non-regionalized version of Ecoinvent. This only works with the regionalized Ecoinvent database