+1 vote

Hello, I used openLCA 1.11 for a while now and I just downloaded the 2.0 Version due to a training from openLCA.

I wanted to open a database in 2.0 and it ask me to update the database. I clicked yes and then the system broke down.

Now I get the Error in the 1.11 Version : "This database is newer then this version"

And in the 2.0 Version: "Cannot find database"

I'm a little scared that I lost everything. How could I fix it?

Many thanks in advance,


in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)

In the database folder, there is a json file "databases.json", this lists the databases that are shown in the category tree in openLCA, the names are the folders of the databases in the openLCA-data-1.4 folder. Make a backup of this file first, close openLCA, then add the database you are missing.

The file looks like this (truncated view):

enter the database name (name of the folder of the database) inside a set of curly brackets { }, and add a comma afterwards.

This disappearing of datasets can happen if you have openLCA 1 and 2 open in parallel, with active databases; it is one of the final things before the release, but maybe also more an issue for  the intermediate time with openLCA 1 and 2.

All the best,

