+3 votes

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask how to carry out a Monte Carlo analysis correctly using the ECOINVENT 3.9.1 database. Trying to do an analysis, very different results come out compared to those of the calculation. I have selected the uncertainty curves for all the flows used in my analysis (LCA).

Can you help me, thanks.

in openLCA by (300 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (131k points)
Good post and question, there were indeed two issues:

1, there are mistakes in the original ecoinvent files regarding the uncertainty, which led to negative results in the simulation and thus often to totally off results; we fixed this recently with a new release of ecoinvent 3.9.1, ecoinvent plans to fix this in the next release on their side if I understand correctly. You need to download the new version of 3.9.1 from nexus to fix this.

2, in openLCA 2.0.0 there is a memory leak, which leads to ever increasing memory use in the simulation. We fixed this in the new 2.0.1 version (available on openLCA.org).

Thank you!

by (850 points)
Dear Andreas and Cipriano,
I believe I downloaded the latest Ecoinvent 3.9.1 on Nexus (ecoinvent 3.9.1 Cutoff UNIT Regionalized), however I still get results that are way off when I run a Monte Carlo simulation. Did it work for you Cipriano? Andreas, was it fixed for all 3.9.1 databases?
Thanks a lot!
+2 votes
by (8.6k points)
Hello Cipriano,

I think initially it was you who reported the bug with uncertainties in ecoinvent. In your current example, I can see from you picture that your providers are mostly system processes (LCI). You need to use the unit process (UPR) database from ecoinvent in order to have the uncertainties of all the product flows in the supply chain, which is then used for the monte carlo analysis.

Best wishes,

by (300 points)
Thanks a lot for the tips Conrad!!