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I am trying to do an assessment on the production, transport to customer and disposal of wooden home appliance covers and would need some feedback on the market for wood waste emissions which seem extremely inflated.

In my Results, production and transport makes up just a view percent but wood disposal (the wood waste process) makes up around 90% of all emissions... that doesnt seem right

I am using the ecoinvent market for sawnwood, board, dried 20% which includes production, then i add a sawing process (for sorming the board into the right shape, adding waste and sawdust outputs etc)

For disposal i am using the waste flow " market for waste wood, post consumer U" (EcoSpold 2 intermediate exchange) 
I am very surprised by the massive emissions that i get from this waste wood flow so i am wondering if i did something very very wrong in my setup.

Then when i use the waste flow "market for waste wood, untreated U" the emissions drop to like 5% of the emissions when calculated with "market for waste wood, post consumer U"

I dont know where the issue is

Thanks in advance for your advice!

in openLCA by (190 points)
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1 Answer

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by (8.4k points)
Hello Berndk,

1: Please explain a little more. What kind of system boundary are you using? (Cutoff, Consequential, APOS, etc.)
2: What LCIA method are you using? One with an uptake of biogenic carbon (-1/+1 method) or with no uptake of biogenic (0 method)
3: From what i see, the "market for waste wood, post consumer" is not a waste treatment process, but a product flow process. Is this the one used?
4: Are you only looking at GWP or other impact categories as well?

If you answer these questions i might be able to give you a qualified answer. Before, its very difficult to know where a possible issue may arise.
by (250 points)
I would be interested in good reading material as well. It is horrible, there are no goo examples.