Hi Jonas,
as you can verify and know, the result of the "Export to Excel" button in OpenLCA 1.7 is a file .xlsx consisting of the following 4 sheets:
1) the sheet "Calculation setup", reporting the summary information: Product system - Reference process - Reference process location - Product – Amount - Impact method - Normalisation & weighting set - Allocation method - Cutoff - Date;
2) the sheet "Inventory" reporting all the input and output flows (Life Cycle Inventory – LCI) of the aggregated system process resulting from the product system created;
3) the sheet "Impacts", reporting the results, in a quantitative way, of the impact indicators;
4) the sheet "Process flow contributions", which is the hugest, reporting the matrix flows – processes.
As you can observe, the type of information shown in the "Contribution Tree" reporting in particular the relative contribution as a percentage of each process to each impact indicator (along with its absolute value) is missing in the Excel file produced.
I think that these are very valuable information, and in a much more usable format then those contained in the Sankey diagram, which is exportable just as an image, and not in tabular form (apart form the diversity of the approach).
Therefore the basis of the question remains.