+1 vote
If I have a multiple uncertain inputs for a monte carlo simulation, I would like to know what the combination of inputs result in a certain outcome. When I export the excel file from openLCA (1.6.3)  it only gives me the runs result for each impact category, but not the inputs associated with that run. Is it possible to do this in openLCA?


in openLCA by (190 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
by (126k points)
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Best answer
That is a good point, it is not possible currently; it would certainly increase the storage demands a lot and slow down the simulation. Implementation would not be such an effort though. If you are interested, please contact us, thank you.
by (100 points)
Hello, I am also interested in this. Can you please let me know how I can obtain inputs and parameter values for each simulation run? Thanks, Carlos.
by (720 points)
Was this ever implemented? It would be very useful indeed! thanks, Greg
by (210 points)
I am also interesting in this functionality. Is it possible to somehow  accomplish this with the python interface?