0 votes
I have purchased Ecoinvent v2.2 and v3.91 with multi user license for academic purpose. I want to know how can my students download the ecoinvent database on their computers. Will I have to share my personal login details with them ? Will they download using my account details or there is some other way?

 Kindly help
in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (130k points)
Hi, the easiest is to download the zolca file you want your students to use, and share this in in the university intranet with your students, asking them to accept the license conditions. You can also share from your account in Nexus with other Nexus users, but then all students need to register there, and we need to approve each share request, so this is somewhat cumbersome.

Hope this helps, Andreas
by (170 points)
edited by
Thank you for your reply. It is quite helpful.

Can you please tell, in how much time the "access share request" is approved by LCA, if I share from my nexus account.