+1 vote

We have a database 3.8.1 EN15804 add on database with a lot of own datasets.

We used the "Guideline to update user models".

The problem is that after importing, all providers are lost.

We assume this may due to the fact that new processes of 3.10 version do have a suffix "GD, U" after "EN15804", that before was not present.

Is this normal or is a bug?

Should we re-address all providers??

in openLCA by (1.0k points)
by (1.0k points)
if it is not a bug (as I suppose, as on release notes of 3.9 there is written about the new "U" suffix), is there any possibility to automatically link again processes, in case the only difference between the previous one and the new one us the suffix "GD, U"?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (128k points)
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Best answer
openLCA does not do the identification of elements by name, but by ID number, and the ID numbers have changed, therefore the providers are not there when you import your system in the new version. This is independent from the suffix. This means that you need to establish the connections / providers again, manually or based on a script. If you want, contact me directly.

Thank you and best wishes,


- and I will check the update manual, it refers to 3.8 to 3.9.1 I think