0 votes
Using openlca software to export ILCD format files, there is no relevant <LCIAResults> section in the xml file for process, while the ilcd format zip file downloaded from lcdn network has <LCIAResults> part in the xml file of the process for a certain piece of data.
in openLCA by (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)
Indeed, there is not only no "relevant" LCIAResults section but this section is entirely not there when exporting from openLCA. If I am not mistaken, this is also not foreseen in the official format documentation. I assume it comes from the software fka  GaBi.
by (170 points)
Ok thanks a lot, I would like to ask, if I still want to solve how to show my lciaresults in soda4lca, do you have any recommendation on your side who can understand this problem, I still want to seek for the answer.