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Dear all,

I recently had a conversation with someone who said he would rather use Gabi/SimaPro for an LCA than OpenLCA. This is because they say they need life cycle inventory (LCI) data from Gabi or Simapro, or data that is ILCD compliant. They think that OpenLCA cannot do the latter. What do you think about this? Isn't this what the converters are for? I mainly work with the EcoInvent database, if I am not mistaken I can also export to ILCD in OpenLCA? Is this correct or am I interpreting the story wrongly.

I would like to perform an LCA for this person in OpenLCA, based on EcoInvent 3.8, and still be able to fullfill their needs of using ILCD compliant data/being ILCD compliant.

Looking forward to your answer(s).

in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi Edwin,

Interesting question, I think SimaPro definitely cannot deal with ILCD data (but of course makes more marketing), we use openLCA to create ILCD compliant datasets, via the ILCD export. The openLCA fields need to be completed (for technology etc.) and the flows need to be the ILCD / EF flows (depending on which specific reference system you aim for). In openLCA 2, you can now apply a mapping in openLCA, or also while exporting.

Best wishes,
