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Dear LCA team,

URL: http://localhost:8080/lca-collaboration-server/login

No service login found

While I login for the first time using the default user credentials I'm getting the above text on a page. 

I have installed the LCA Collaboration Server on Ubuntu 24.04.

Thank you,


in LCA Collaboration Server by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.9k points)

You are using a context path, did you follow step 6 of the installation guide?

Step 6: (Optional) Updating .html files

If the LCA Collaboration Server is not running in the server’s root context, modify all .html files in the WEB-INF/classes/static directory. Adjust the base tag to match the context path. For example, if it runs at domain.com/subcontext, update the value to <base href=”/subcontext/”/>
