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I have a question about parameterized datasets in the EF 3.1 database.

An example for such a dataset would be:

"In-line extrusion of mono-filament yarn, Processing dataset, parameterized"

UUID: abe2233a-7f9d-54f5-aa4d-7aa702c5f871

The documentation of the dataset states, that it is possible to adapt certain settings like the energy use. 

My question now is: How do I apply this change? In the parameters section of the dataset, there are no parameters given.

Thanks in advance,


in openLCA by (620 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Hi Paul,

good question, I would assume that an earlier version of this dataset was indeed parameterised but the present one is not. The textile datasets in EF have some fate as some have been developed initially by a different operator and this was changed later. The present dataset is fully aggregated and does not really allow any adjustment, there are some other similar textile datasets.

Sorry for not being able to resolve this,

by (620 points)
Hello Andreas,
thank you for your response.
It might be interesting for you that also in SimaPro the dataset is not parameterized (I asked a colleague to check)
Thanks and until soon,