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this is the full flow data in ecoinvent:

Flow: industrial machine, heavy, unspecified
Category: C:Manufacturing/28:Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c./282:Manufacture of special-purpose machinery/2824:Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
Amount: 1.119987000324992E-5
Unit: kg
Costs/Revenues: 6.13321460006455E-6 EUR
Uncertainty: lognormal: gmean=1.11999E-05 gsigma=1.76065

I would like to understand how did they come up with the 'Amount: 1.119987000324992E-5', I would like to include an industrial machine, heavy, unspecified in my process too, however, I do not know how to measure (e.g. backhoe)
in openLCA by (180 points)

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