There is now an "IPCC 2021 (ISO 14067)" method in the openLCA methods package. It's nothing else than IPCC 2021 (incl. biogenic carbon uptake/emissions), but with some different sorting of the results (Aircraft, Biogenic emissions, Biogenic removals, Fossil, Land use, Total emissions).
You cannot use EF 3.1 for this, because EF 3.1 is based on the IPCC 2021 factors without considering biogenic carbon uptake/emissions (0/0 approach). Furthermore, the EF 3.1 has a tiny difference to IPCC 2021 (sulfur hexafluoride CF is slightly different), since EF 3.1 was based on the preliminary IPCC 2021 report when it was created/developed by JRC and the "default" IPCC 2021 method uses the final report.