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MY elementary flow input despite being linked to ReCiPe 2016 with characterization factor, running the impact assessment, these are the results produced above.

What is the way out to this headache?

in openLCA by (450 points)

1 Answer

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by (4.3k points)

which database are you using? The most common mistake is that the elementary flow has no characterization factor which is linked to LCIA method. You ruled that out but still your result is still zero. Could you check if your flows are in the "LCIA checks" tab of the calculation results (https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/res_analysis/analysis.html)? I can see from the screenshot that your "Category" is different from common reference systems. Normally it should be "Elementary flows/Resource/XX" yours is just "Resource/XX". This indicates that you potentially changed something?

Hope this helps
by (8.6k points)
To add that the folder "Elementary flows" is specific to the openLCA reference system, so that flows inside usually stem from openLCA. If there is folders without "Elementary flows" as the main folders, this is usually folders and flows that were imported as they are or that did not got mapped.

There is no "Elementary flows" folder in ecoinvent or EF or other databases, so they would simply store it in "Resource/XX" instead of "Elementary flows/Resource/XX".

Maybe you have imported some data sets from a source somewhere without considering mapping the compartments and the elementary flows to the openLCA or ecoinvent LCIA methods?