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I want to recreate the oil extraction process for jatropha (plant). I know there are seeds, but is it somehow possible to do it? If so, how exactly? And if not, is there an alternative, that has around the same properties? I am only interested in GWP.


in openLCA by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (4.1k points)
Hi Sam,

with Nexus there is a search engine for datasets: https://nexus.openlca.org/search/query=%20jatropha

You can use the respective datasets for the cultivation of the seeds.  I would recommend deriving the information for the extraction itself from scientific publications or (worse) from similar processes (rape seed oil, soybean oil etc.) of LCA databases. This has to be adapted to the specifics of the jatropha oil extract (composition/amount of fatty acids).

Hope this helps