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Dear Admin,

we use the LCA Cut-off Cumulative LCI v3.9.1. My colleagues are using LCI version 3.10 and would like to switch to LCI version 3.11. Now my colleagues have asked me if the column or if the Activity UUID_Product UUID-Code changes when the version changes. In my opinion, no. This alphanumeric code is the unique identifier for calculating and the activity name. Can you confirm that to me? The question is not if a new UUID will be added or deleted, but if the reference to the Activity_UUID code in my identified activity name could change?



in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (8.5k points)

Dear David,

What do you mean by "Cumulative LCI"? Do you mean the Nexus database with system processes or do you mean the "Cumulative LCI" excel files from ecoQuery provided by ecoinvent?

The UUID of a system process has to change from one version to another, since it is a different calculated inventory result (system process) in version 3.10 compared to 3.11 for all processes. The UUID for activities (processes) is not the same as the UUID for products (product flows). You can see both inside openLCA, access both via SQL if you know how to do it, or you can check the original UUID number from ecoinvent (not the ones used in the Nexus version) in the public ecoinvent database overview files.

It is:

Product-UUID-3.10-ecoinvent = Product-UUID-3.11-ecoinvent = Product-UUID-3.10-Nexus = Product-UUID-3.11-Nexus

And it is:

System-Process-UUID-3.10-ecoinvent ≠ System-Process-UUID-3.11-ecoinvent ≠ System-Process-UUID-3.10-Nexus ≠ System-Process-UUID-3.11-Nexus
