0 votes
Hi, I am using ecoinvent 3.11 database. I try to import these files to my openLCA software using pathway: import > files, when I select the files it says: "openLCA could not detect the format of the file. You can also try an import option in the generic import dialog under import > Other. When I go for this recommended pathway, it does not show any ecionvent database. How can I solve this? PS: I am new to this software and database stuff. I would appreciate your help in this regard.

Thank you.
ago in openLCA by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
ago by (130k points)

Hi, it is better to simply restore the database (much faster), check the handbook (https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/introduction/index.html) if you are in doubt, and then, ecoinvent 3.11 needs openLCA 2.4 or later, maybe you are using an older version?

Hope this helps, Andreas

..and regarding

PS: I am new to this software and database stuff

we offer trainings or other support to speed up your start with openLCA (and databases) check this in Nexus if you are interested.

0 votes
ago by (4.3k points)

First things first, did you get the ecoinvent database from openLCA Nexus as a .zolca?
This message commonly shows if the file you selected is not a .zolca or is a corrupted .zolca (incomplete download).

Hope this helps