0 votes
Hi, I am using ecoinvent 3.11 database. I try to import these files to my openLCA software using pathway: import > files, when I select the files it says: "openLCA could not detect the format of the file. You can also try an import option in the generic import dialog under import > Other. When I go for this recommended pathway, it does not show any ecionvent database. How can I solve this? PS: I am new to this software and database stuff. I would appreciate your help in this regard.

Thank you.
in openLCA by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)

Hi, it is better to simply restore the database (much faster), check the handbook (https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/introduction/index.html) if you are in doubt, and then, ecoinvent 3.11 needs openLCA 2.4 or later, maybe you are using an older version?

Hope this helps, Andreas

..and regarding

PS: I am new to this software and database stuff

we offer trainings or other support to speed up your start with openLCA (and databases) check this in Nexus if you are interested.

by (131k points)
hm can you post screenshots? This is a feature used daily by us and many others and it works.. Thank you - edit: it is not a database from Nexus but Excel files etc. from the ecoinvent website - these do not work.
0 votes
by (5.4k points)

First things first, did you get the ecoinvent database from openLCA Nexus as a .zolca?
This message commonly shows if the file you selected is not a .zolca or is a corrupted .zolca (incomplete download).

Hope this helps
by (120 points)

No, I bought the database directly from Ecoinvent (EcoQuery). The files are not in .zolca form. Most of the files are in .xlsx and spold file and they are compressed. When I try to import the compressed ones, they show the same issue but when I decompress them and import their .xlsx files, the import just keeps on loading forever. Is there anyway, how to make them work?
by (131k points)
ahh - I should have read this first. You need to have the version from Nexus. If you bought from ecoinvent, you need to register your license for a fee in Nexus (or, better, buy directly from Nexus next time).