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In the current OpenLCA software does the impact analysis results account for upstream and direct impacts?
ago in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (131k points)

yes, the overall result is for direct and upstream impacts, but the impacts listed per process are the direct impacts of this process. In the view per flows and then processes, even subdivided by the contributions of a process to one given flow:

(acidification: overall result is 20.41, sulphur dioxide contribution to this overall result is 12.85, heat and power co-generation hard coal (the process) contributes with 1.26 to the sulphur dioxide impact).

While here (first process then flow)


the total direct contributions of the hard coal cogeneration process to acidification is 1.54.

ago by (131k points)
thank you - well you can also order the impact analysis results by size, this also indicates main drivers for impact.