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I am creating an EPD based on imported EPDs for the products suppliers , downloaded fro EPD International by ILCD and via Soda4LCA. Creating Flows and Processes based on the imports for the product im trying to create an EPD from using EN 15802 +A2. Att product system dragging the EPD result from the downloaded to Product system, starting with the A1-A3, and it works so far . After calculation  i only get results on Flow level , not on impact level, impact analysis only gets zeros. Any Tips
ago in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (131k points)
Which LCIA method did you select? We are now using UUIDs from EF for the EF-based categories for our LCIA EN15804 method, e.g., so this should work in principle, but I am aware that not all published EPDs use the supposedly to use category UUIDs and thus this will not work. Maybe you could post more details, thank you.
ago by (131k points)
you need to use the EN15804 method available in the EN15804 database, then it works *if* the EPDs follow the common UUIDs for the impact categories (which is often the case but not always, but evidently not in our hands)