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I tried to install without success the LCA-Collaboration Server (I failed the installation of Elasticsearch), after that I am not able anymore to import a database from exported zolca file in an existing one. The following error appears: 

17054169JavaFX Application ThreadERRORorg.openlca.app.wizards.io.DbImportWizarddatabase import failed

How can I fix this error? I have tried to uninstall openLCA and then install it again, but the error persists.

Moreover, I was wondering if you could suggest me the easiest way to share openLCa project within my organisation without using the LCA-Collaboration server.

Many thanks,


P.S. I am using the latest version of openLCA (1.7.4)


in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
To your second question first: To share product systems, you can export them as JSON-LD; you can also export the entire database (backup), share it, and others can restore or import it. Installing the CS is not really that difficult but we can support this if you are interested. in openLCA, projects are just comparisons of product systems, you can also export these as JSON-LD, and import them again, but maybe you are not referring to openLCA projects but projects as they are in SimaPro - openLCA is of course not SimaPro though.

Toyour first question, I am not sure I understand, the Collaboration Server is independent from openLCA; thus even if you do not manage to install it, you can still use openLCA, and create databases therein, or restore database zolca file. Maybe you try to import into the database linked to a failed CS installation? In that case, just restore the zolca file as new database.