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My version is 1.9.0. One year ago ago I've saved my database as .zip now I'm tryng to open it but it's not possible. I go to File>Import then in the window Other>Linked Data (JSON-LD) then I browse my folder and I see the .zip but when I try to open it an error is showed. 

JavaFX Application Thread



JSON import failed

The same if I go to File Import>ILCD. Can you help to solve it? Thanks a lot.

in openLCA by (180 points)

1 Answer

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by (129k points)

- why did you save your entire database as zip? As ILCD or JSON-LD? Or you zipped the database folder?

- why don't you use a newer version of openLCA? It is as if using an older Chrome browser version for some reason?

- if you do not remember the file format inside the zip any more, you can extract it, JSON and ILCD have a characteristic folder structure inside.

Best wishes,

by (100 points)
Hi Andreas, I am working with Monica and we would like to import an LCA project she saved in .Zip. I am having same issue to import the same database. Currently, I am using Version 1.10.3 (the latest from your website). Further your answer, I have extracted the file and I assume it was saved with JSON as I find a context.json file next to the folder with the database. Anyway, I tried to import the database both with JSON and ILCD following this path for JSON: File=>Import=>Other=>Linked data=>JSON-LD. The wizard only recognize .zip for importing files. How to import the file in JSON environment after having unzipped it? Thanks, Camillo
by (129k points)
Hi Camillo,
ah I see, you need to have the JSON-LD as zipped archive, then you can import it via the wizard.
Thank you,
by (180 points)
Thanks Andreas:
-I remember that I've saved my database exporting it from OpenLCA, I didn't choose to zip it the program did it.
-I have extract the file and it is a JSON-LD.
-My collegue Camillo has tried the same using the latest version of OpenLCA but the same error came out.
Many months ago I was able to import the .zip into Openlca but now it's not working any more.
Do you have any tips or suggestion to succeed in open it?
Thank you,
by (100 points)
Hi Andreas,
Do you mean I need to somehow install JSON-LD on my PC before starting the wizard procedure and import the zipped database (having a .json structure) through the JSON-LD option under import?
If I just need to go to the wizard procedure and import the zipped database through the JSON-LC option, this was already done.
Kindly advise how to proceed.
Thanks and regards,