+1 vote
Dear all,

I want to setup a parametric model, extensively using parameters, aiming at "standardizing" an LCA analysis I am doing and for which I need to repeat it "many" times hence varying each time the parameters set values.

I have created 1 process with the set of parameters defined at this level.

The question: once I create more than 1 product system referring to the same process and hence assigning at each product system the same set of parameters but with different values, how are overwriting rules defined in this case?

Thanks a lot in advance for your support


in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (790 points)
Hi Stefano,

When you create a "Project", you can add the same product system multiple times, including the relevant paramters in a scenario matrix. Regardless of what you have put beforehand, the matrix dictates the values which will be calculated.
by (790 points)
Hi Stefano,

I don't see why you shouldn't be able to change parameters from 0 to whatever after adding a number of (identical or different) product systems to your project?