0 votes
Hello. I have completed my LCA and would like to create a report from it. I would like to use this report to apply for an EPD. For this I have some questions:

1. Is it possible to create a report in OpenLCA that I can export as a pdf?

2. Is there a possibility to edit the graphs, for example to create a graph where all indicators are listed with their values?

3. Is it possible to insert images in the report?

Thank you!
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (128k points)
Hi, very good points, in openLCA 2 we have stored results and EPDs, as new objects, they can be flexibly used in creating LCA models, and we have also much improved graphs for showing and editing the life cycle model and the results - but the EPDs contain the LCA and LCIA part and are not a full report. We are considering to add this however; if you would think about becoming a co-sponsor for this, that would be great, let me know please.

All the best, thank you, Andreas
by (1.0k points)
an automatic EPD report is something really interesting also for us. please contact me in case you need any support
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