+1 vote

Hi everybody,

I have a quite huge problem, i have to make an LCIA and in the process we need cleaners like ecover and bomades but any data base exist on it... In the web, i can find the composition but with any quantity.

We don't have the budget for analysing the cleaner and find the quantity of each component. ( Best solution for sure)

What can i do ? 

-Neglect these liquid with hight impact seems to me unrepresentive and cheaty of the real impact at the end.

-Took just the compostion without true quantity seems maybe better but  again, clearly unrepresentative.

-Took a diferent cleaner with the good quantity but with different composition is like trying to model a train transport with a car transport, even if both made kind the same category of  impact they are completely different for the impact at the end sad

What solution should i take ? Or better if you have an other solution, don't hesitate. yes

I'm sure that i'm not the first one with this huge problem.

Thanks in advance,

Philibert E

in openLCA by (130 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
by (2.4k points)
How about asking the producer about the composition?
0 votes
by (129k points)
If the producer does not respond, make reasonable assumptions; you should also check how important this product is for your result, if it is the (assumed) main driver for impacts you need to be more careful. The composition publicly on the web / on the product at least ranks the components, highest content comes first. Good luck!