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Exiobase 3.4 is not functioning properly in openLCA 2.0.0. I was able to run calculations successfully in openLCA 1.11. However, when attempting the same operation in 2.0.0, the program shuts down. I have adjusted the memory and am using cutoff as recommended. I have re-booted, and tries several different Exiobase processes. No joy.
in openLCA by (150 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)

Hi, sorry to hear, I tested with the new 2.0.1 version from openLCA.org, and for me it worked then (direct calculation), no cutoff. It needs ~ 13.5 GB RAM allocated, but then it works. Maybe try also the 2.0.1 version, and if this still fails send more details here (RAM, available harddisc space, is there any error message in the log file linked to a crash, etc.). Thank you!

by (150 points)
I am still not having luck. Other databases are running fine in openLCA2.0, but not Exiobase3.4. I have plenty of RAM (15.8GB). I can successfully create product systems, but then the calculation step fails (no message) and openLCA closes.