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I've used OpenLCAv1 smoothly. 
Last week I upgraded to OpenLCAv2. I face 2 problems: 

1. I cannot open the software because of the error 'Failed to Create Java Virtual Machine', even though I have followed various instructions to increase the available memory (_Java_Options -Xmx__M) to 7000MB! My laptop has 8GB RAM, and I usually run heavy software like DaVinci Resolve. Is it really a limitation of my RAM or is there an error in the OpenLCA software that causes this error? Finally, I started launching OpenLCA by clicking on the OpenLCA.exe file instead of using the icon. This is how I managed to start using the programme. I am not sure if it is right to do so. Please guide me if I have made a mistake.

2. After running OpenLCAv2 using the .exe file, I have created a new process (a very short, agricultural process) and added the flows. I created the flow chart. However, while trying to run the final LCA calculations, the error message says there is not enough RAM to run the process. It gave me an option to increase RAM available to OpenLCA. I closed all other programmes, and increased availability of RAM to 7000MB. And it is still not enough to run the calculations! (ReCiPe H, no allocations, using ecoinvent 3.8 database with methods).
Is my RAM really the problem? If not, please help me find a way to run the calculations. Or else, please specify on the OpenLCA website regarding how much RAM it needs to run smoothly, so one can be prepared.

I'm on a deadline and I'm very nervous right now. However, I continue to be grateful to the team behind OpenLCA for making this software available and accessible to us students and for all your support. Thank you. 

P.S. I am not a coder, and a beginner with using LCA.

in openLCA by (270 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (129k points)
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Best answer
Hi, two questions back:

1, did you download the fast libraries? If not, please do so (from the welcome screen)

2, the memory demand depends on the LCA model and database, multi-regional IO databases have higher demands; for these, and for computer with moderate RAM, you can set a cut-off for the product system creation. Which database are you using?

No need to be nervous!

Best wishes,


edit: if you cannot even start the application, maybe your download was incomplete, download again then. For Mac, installation is (as expected..) more complicated but explained in some posts here
by (270 points)
Thank you for your swift response, Andreas. I will try your suggestions and send you an update soon.