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I am starting to process evaluations but I have a problem with data visualization.

I would like to get a graph where for each phase of the life cycle there is a bar with all the contributions of the various impact categories as in the figure.

Example blue climate change and orange acidification.

How can this be done?

Thank you

in openLCA by (820 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi, good question, you can do this by tags or also by making one product system per life cycle stage and then add these different life cycle stage product systems to one overall life cycle. We have shown this principle for EPDs in the EPD live webinar (check on youtube, openLCA channel). In the impact analysis, you can unfold results up to the LC stage, and then copy and paste to excel.

It is a good idea to have this chart in openLCA, since the information is there (this is for us, as developers). So thank you for the question and suggestion!
by (820 points)
Thanks a lot.
I'm looking inside the hooded sweater example. It's done with processes for each life cycle stage and a complete life cycle. In the video in Youtube channel I can see a graph like I would, but I'm not able to produce it.