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I’ve installed OpenLCA 2.0 server (war 8/30/23, and jar 8/17/23) on a Rocky 8 OS.  The openLCA_Windows_x64_2.0.3_2023-10-16 client is install on a Windows 10 computer.

I’m able to commit and push a dataset from the client software; however, on the Server interface, in the Repository Data Sets menu option, I’m unable to download the full dataset using ‘as JSON-LD (openLCA2.x)’.  I can download each name individually using the ‘as JSON-LD (openLCA2.x) (Subselect)…’, and even then, I can either get the whole selection or I have to drill down and find the one or two sub sub selections that refuse to download and download them one at a time.  On the selections that fail to download, I’m receiving a 502 error.

When I find one sub sub selection that won’t download, I can modify and push it without any issues, I can also view the selection in the server interface, but I just can’t download it.

in LCA Collaboration Server by (120 points)
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