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Looking at my mean value under the global warming impact category, the value is much smaller from the value from myimpact assessment results. This isn't the case for any of the other mean values for the other impact categories as they correspond with the results from the impact assessment.
For context the mean value from the monte carlo simulation is about 5,000 kg co2e and from the impact assessment results its 26,000 kg co2e. Having trouble interpreting this - would indicate that that there are some small outliers skewing the results, and if so, how would I interpret that/explain the difference?
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (129k points)
(what database, openLCA version, method are you using?)
by (120 points)
I'm using the ecoinvent database with openLCA version 2.0 and the TRACI impact assessment method.