Hi Awais,
well openLCA supports all these formats with exception of the EcoSpold2 format for reasons I have explained here to quite some extent earlier; what do you want to import (as in GLAD, you do not have "the dataset" but a collection of different sources, and for only some datasets, direct access and download is possible, while for others it is only a reference to the database provider site, to buy then the datasets or database).
Thank you!
Update based on your comment:
Thank you very much, I tested the first dataset, using ILCD sind this was created in the GaBi LCA software and exported as ILCD, and the result is this:

So the dataset is incomplete as it is in GLAD. It is very common for datasets exported from GaBi, that "things" known in the GaBi software are not exported, as here some flow properties, I guess to save time and space (ILCD is a very bulky, slow to read format resulting in big files, compared to our JSON) and also maybe to prevent other tools from reading the data correctly.
This raises a bit the question, of course, how this fits to the claim of GLAD..

..but that's how it is.
Also, on the side, I was curious about the "open source project" nature of GLAD, and it is open source because it uses the conversion service and a REST service, both from GreenDelta, that we published on Git. That's it ;)