When opening a database or product system of the ecoinvent 3.8 database, the error "com.helger.css.handler.LoggingCSSParseExceptionCallback" occurs.
Ignoring this error and trying to calculate the product system leads to "matrix is singular" error.
My questions:
1. What kind of error is the CSS Parse? Is there a way to find it's cause?
2. Could the matrix error stem from the CSS parse error? This might also be caused by using a lot of parameters (most of them with value 0), but I could't find the cause yet.
Full info of the log file:
Failed to parse CSS: [1:1] Encountered text '2.0' corresponding to token <NUMBER>. Was expecting one of: <EOF>, <S>, "[", ".", ":", "*", "|", <HASH>, "<!--", "-->", "@charset", "@import", "@namespace", "@page", "@top-left-corner", "@top-left", "@top-center", "@top-right", "@top-right-corner", "@bottom-left-corner", "@bottom-left", "@bottom-center", "@bottom-right", "@bottom-right-corner", "@left-top", "@left-middle", "@left-bottom", "@right-top", "@right-middle", "@right-bottom", "@footnote", "@media", <FONTFACE_SYM>, <KEYFRAMES_SYM>, <VIEWPORT_SYM>, "@supports", <AT_UNKNOWN>, <IDENT>, <PERCENTAGE>, ":not(", "@charset", "@import", "@namespace"