0 votes
When opening a database or product system of the ecoinvent 3.8 database, the error "com.helger.css.handler.LoggingCSSParseExceptionCallback" occurs.

Ignoring this error and trying to calculate the product system leads to "matrix is singular" error.

My questions:
1. What kind of error is the CSS Parse? Is there a way to find it's cause?
2. Could the matrix error stem from the CSS parse error? This might also be caused by using a lot of parameters (most of them with value 0), but I could't find the cause yet.

Full info of the log file:

Failed to parse CSS: [1:1] Encountered text '2.0' corresponding to token <NUMBER>. Was expecting one of: <EOF>, <S>, "[", ".", ":", "*", "|", <HASH>, "<!--", "-->", "@charset", "@import", "@namespace", "@page", "@top-left-corner", "@top-left", "@top-center", "@top-right", "@top-right-corner", "@bottom-left-corner", "@bottom-left", "@bottom-center", "@bottom-right", "@bottom-right-corner", "@left-top", "@left-middle", "@left-bottom", "@right-top", "@right-middle", "@right-bottom", "@footnote", "@media", <FONTFACE_SYM>, <KEYFRAMES_SYM>, <VIEWPORT_SYM>, "@supports", <AT_UNKNOWN>, <IDENT>, <PERCENTAGE>, ":not(", "@charset", "@import", "@namespace"

in openLCA by (120 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (8.6k points)

The CSS parsing error is not really an error, since it is related to the MacOS systems only and there is no bug or disadvantage with it. It is resolved with openLCA 2.0.3 and higher (changelogs can be found here https://www.openlca.org/download/). I also had this parsing message on MacOS until it was removed with newer versions.

0 votes
by (131k points)
Strange, Johannes - which openLCA version?
by (120 points)
It's version 2.0.2.
In 1.11, everything worked smoothely, but besides updating to v2 I have also further developed and axpanded the system. So far, however, I have not been able to find any deviations in the modelling that would justify an error.
Now started trouble-shooting by calculating smaller parts of the system (some lead to results), but that will take ma a few days. I will give an update if I find the reason.
by (131k points)
First step is to try an upgrade to version 2.1. We found and removed some minor bugs in the new model graph in these 2.0.x versions. Thank you
by (120 points)
Thanks, updating to 2.1 solved it!