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Using openlca software to export ILCD format files, there is no relevant <LCIAResults> section in the xml file for process, while the ilcd format zip file downloaded from lcdn network has <LCIAResults> part in the xml file of the process for a certain piece of data.
in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (122k points)
Indeed, there is not only no "relevant" LCIAResults section but this section is entirely not there when exporting from openLCA. If I am not mistaken, this is also not foreseen in the official format documentation. I assume it comes from the software fka  GaBi.
by (130 points)
Thanks very much!
I am having a problem, when I import the exported ILCD format file to soda4lca, I found that I can't see <LCIAResults> in soda4lca. I think this is because the ILCD file I exported from openlca for a particular product does not have LCIAResults in the xml document corresponding to the process.
So I would like to ask, how can I achieve that I can see the LCIAResults in soda4lca as well? It's giving me a headache.
by (122k points)
so why do you need these? I think this is a GaBi speciality
by (130 points)
Because I am currently a masters student at a university working on pavement lca related work, I would like to use soda4lca to present some of my own data to my teacher, as well as to let him know about openlca and some knowledge related to lcdn. I saw that ecoinvent as well as gabi posted data on lcdn with LCIAResults, and I read "Life Cycle Data Network - Handbook for data developers and providers" reference and found that you can build a database with openlca as well as Gabi or simapro software and then use soda4lca to visualise each piece of data. However, after modelling with openlca and importing into soda4lca, I found that there are no LCIAResults because there are no LCIAResults in the corresponding xml file, and I also tried to export with Gabi, but there are still no LCIAResults. So I'm curious on how to make the xml file corresponding to the process have LCIAResults, or how to make the soda4lca show the LCIAResults.
by (130 points)
And I would like to know why the xml file exported by openlca doesn't come with LCIAresults, is it because there is no need for it at the moment? Or is it because openlca's own logic needs to calculate LCIAresults based on element flow, combined with the corresponding impact assessment methods, but for the exported ILCD format file, it can't export the results corresponding to the corresponding impact assessment methods?
by (122k points)
good points, I would say there is no need for it, but this is debatable. Maybe as a learned lesson, you see how cumbersome and not-really-perfect the ILCD format is. You have maybe discovered the import of soda4LCA into openLCA though (since 2.2, tools/soda4lca).
by (130 points)
Ok thanks a lot, I would like to ask, if I still want to solve how to show my lciaresults in soda4lca, do you have any recommendation on your side who can understand this problem, I still want to seek for the answer.