+4 votes


I have troubles in importing .csv files : I have dowloaded the french databases Base Impacts from Ademe, which is encoded in csv. However, when I try to import the files into OpenLCA, it seems to work but nothing happens and there is no error message. 

Here are the files that I try to import (I have unziped the files) : 

Thank you in advance!

in openLCA by (300 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
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Best answer
The csv import is for SimaPro exports, and for processes only; if you check the files from Base Impacts, they are very different in structure, which means they cannot be imported directly.
by (131k points)
The SimaPro csv files are not at all tables, but rather "telegram style": you have keywords and then some information and then an "end" to indicate that a next section comes, e.g. "process" starts a process data set. You can check this when you export a csv from SimaPro. It is indeed a bit tricky, the whole format is not - to my knowledge - documented anywhere, and changes a bit over the years, from version to version. We have built the import looking at export csv examples, with supoprt from PRĂ© when we were still reselling SimaPro.