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i really need your help. i am trying to assess the data quality from my lca, but i cannot understand how i will put a score. for example

1.i had the value from my partner so the reliability is 1,

2. but then i go to the ecoinvent and the time what is it ?? because the process i will take maybe be years before..

3. and then i am in germany and i take eurore, so it is 2..

4. and for the technological and completeness? how do i assess it ?

and this is one of all my units... so whenever i take something from  ecoinvent i evaluate it... but when i also take something from literature, then i have to model it in simapro.. i cannot understand how can i put the values... considering that i cannot know how they modellid it and how completeness it is, or the relevant technology used...

and then i have all the values i can evaluate the DQR and also i go to the U1,u2, etc.. and i find the uncertainty.. right?

please i need your help!! thank you very much
in Miscellaneous by (220 points)
by (220 points)
And if i want to assess a whole production that is a new technology, but i need several materials that have technology 5, how can i tell that my whole technology i produce is 1???

2 Answers

0 votes
by (220 points)
i read the presentation, paper and saw the video from Ciroth, et all 2012 but still it is difficult to understand.. for the time i understood that it is relevant to the time from the dataset.. for the others? how do i know the technological and completeness ? ..

in addition, alla these i have to do for several processes to get MY WHOLE value chain, right? thank you very much! And if i want to assess a whole production that is a new technology, but i need several materials that have technology 5, how can i tell that my whole technology i produce is 1???
0 votes
by (127k points)
Hi, you always assess the difference to the ideal dataset, in time, location, technology etc., following the "rules" given in the cells of the table. You only need to do this for your foreground model and for the connection of the foreground model to the background (ecoinvent e.g.). Within ecoinvent, you can take the assessment as it is.

Hope this helps, Andreas
by (220 points)
thank you very much.
so i need to do it for my foreground data. so in a whole process, do i have all the data, are they up to date? etc...
and when i model them in ecoinvent , again it is a whole new assessment, as i will much my foreground to backround data...becuase for example i will find the acetone for market, right? and i will also evaluate the time of the dataset, the technological etc... ??? still this is confusing for me

in addition within ecoinvent there is only assessment in the unit (and not the system..) and i can only see it when i see a whole process that they will be used to it
and then how do i assess both foreground and backgroud ?

thank you once again
by (127k points)
for the ecoinvent database, it is only available for unit processes indeed, and you need to do this for every exchange / flow per process separately (for your foreground processes), but that is it. If you want, you can order a modeler support hour in Nexus to get this explained in more detail.