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This has been answered partially in How to calculate the GWP-GHG indicator when using OpenLCA and 15804 A2 2020 impact assessment methods Ashraka_ and Conrad

Please may you confirm the characterisation factors to set to zero are as below (and no other changes are needed):

Many thanks

Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stockElementary flows/Emission to air/low population density0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, from soil or biomass stockElementary flows/Emission to air/unspecified0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, in airElementary flows/Resource/in air0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, non-fossilElementary flows/Emission to air/high population density0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, non-fossilElementary flows/Emission to air/low population density0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, non-fossilElementary flows/Emission to air/unspecified0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, non-fossil, resource correctionElementary flows/Resource/in air0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stockElementary flows/Emission to soil/agricultural0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
Carbon dioxide, to soil or biomass stockElementary flows/Emission to soil/unspecified0kg CO2 eq/kgnone
ago in openLCA by (120 points)

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