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Is it possible to buy an Educational Single-User License for 3 months and get a price reduction ?
I am working on a research project at the University of Lausanne on the environmental impact of video and board games. The project ends at the end of April, so I would only need the license for 3 months (from February to April). Is that something that could be discussed ?


in openLCA by (150 points)

1 Answer

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by (128k points)
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Best answer
You do not mention for which database you need the license; if we do not make the database ourself, we are of course bound to the conditions of the database provider, and here typically a year is the shortest possible duration.

All the best,

by (150 points)
Thanks for the comment.
I was talking about the ecoinvent database. In this case is 1 year the shortest possible length for a licence ?
