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Hi! I'm new to OpenLCA und LCA in general.

I know how to do a Monte Carlo-Simulation with OpenLCA.

What can I do to see the Monte Carlo-Simulation not only by itself, but implemented in my impact assessment?

I'm Asking, because I want to find out - in general - how my impact assessment changes, when the uncertainty changes. I want to have a play around with the dependencies between uncertainty and impact assessment results to really understand how they are connected.

I hope this makes sense.

Greetings from Germany. And thank you for the help in advance!
in openLCA by (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)
edited by
Hi and welcome, I am not sure I understand, you can - if you want - specify uncertainty in impact assessment characterisation factors, but in the end, to have uncertainty in your result, you need to perform a Monte Carlo simulation? And in the MC result, you can see both inventory and impact assessment results distributions? Check e.g. the manual for details?

edit to respond to your comments: the Monte Carlo simulation has its own result, you can display this as histogram or box plot or as you think appropriate. A direct comparison is an interesting idea, so far openLCA does not support this automatically / in the software, you can of course do this yourself (make a calculation without simulation and store the result and MC simulation and store the result and then compare "somewhere else".
by (200 points)
I'm looking for a way to show the results of the Monte Carlo simulation in my Project report an the end.

And my second question is: Is there a way I can compare my result a) without the uncertainty and b) with the uncertainty, to see what difference that makes.