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I am currently dealing with impact assessment methods and I have the following issues:

1) I've been using EuGeos database (ecoinvent 3.4) but I decided to make my own impact assessment methods as per EN 15804. The results on most indicators are the same, some with very little difference, but there is about 30-40% (it may vary depending on what is calculated) difference when it comes to ADPE. I checked the contents of EuGeos and I found out it had a different list with impact factors, many of which are not listed in  EN15804+A1 (the previous version with the tables in Annex C). I hesitate how to proceed from here - do I have to add the impacts or shall I stick only to what is listed in EN 15804?

2) I tried to export the assessment method through EcoSpold file and then to import it into ecoinvent 3.6 but output flows, waste flows and some resource use indicators are not calculated (all zero). The other indicators are quite different in values, too. So, do assessment methods need some adjustment when export-importing between databases or shall I create a separate method for each database?

Thank you,

in openLCA by (270 points)
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2 Answers

+1 vote
by (740 points)
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Best answer
Hi Yana,

The CML method to be used for ADPE contains, in its original form as reproduced in Table C2 of EN15804+A1, contains characterisation factors (CF) for elements only. But databases (certainly ecoinvent and I'm pretty sure GaBIi too) contain - in the resources in ground category of elementary flows - compounds of these elements, and indeed many of the elements themselves barely occur in nature in an uncombined state. Boron is a good example. This occurs in nature almost entirely as borax (a hydrated sodium borate), and borax is the boron-containing elementary flow in the "resource-in-ground" category that you'll find if you create an LCI for products such as detergents, some fire retardants. Without a CF for borax any calculation of ADPE for a product containing a reasonable amount of borax-based fire retardant will be seriously flawed.  We therefore include CF for compounds of the elements covered by Table C2 of EN15804+A1. I think GaBi does too, because I see consistency of ADPE results for products with known borax content calculated using GaBi and our database. The old (now obsolete) implementation of the CML2001 method in ecoinvent also included CF for compounds.

I hope that helps. As Andreas notes, we will release a new version of the database, also covering EN15804+A2 very soon.

by (270 points)
This is really helpful. Thank you very much, Chris.
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by (130k points)
Hi Yana,

I will ask Chris Foster for the first point, for the second, you should use the JSON-LD format, that allows to exchange LCIA methods. EcoSpold works to some extent. If the database where you import the LCIA method into has a different flow set, you need to apply the mapping as well (available in 1.10.2). Also of course the "normal" ecoinvent database does not contain some of the flows needed for EN 15804 (mainly energy and waste). We are about to release an updated version of the database, based on ecoinvent 3.6.


by (270 points)
Thank you, it is just that I saw the option "impact methods below" the EcoSpold options and thought it is the one to be used.